Come journey with us this Lent
Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cameroon, Chile, Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Ghana, grace, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Kenya, Notes from the Field, Living Our Faith, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Prayers, Tanzania, Ukraine, ZambiaLinda GurklisGrace, Mission Trip
After-School program keeps children safe, supported, and succeeding
Bolivia, Critical Need, Gift Catalog, Education, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Nutrition Fund, Our Impact, Sponsorship, graceLinda GurklisCochabamba, Bolivia
School fundraiser builds lasting connection
How Sponsorship Helped a Whole Family
Sponsorship Spells Success for Surya
Bastian's New Bed Has Him Jumping For Joy
Comfortable, warm, and grateful this Christmas season
Sponsorship is Music to Iryna’s Ears
Viktoriya is on the Path to Healing
Critical Need, Education, Gift Catalog, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, Radiance of our Regions, Sponsorship, UkraineLinda GurklisTernopil Site Ukraine, Radiance of Our Regions
Sponsorship Motivates Stepan to Succeed
Dreams Come True in Pochaiv
Critical Need, Education, Gift Catalog, Notes from the Field, Nutrition Fund, sponsorship, Skills, Radiance of our Regions, UkraineLinda GurklisUkraine, Pochaiv Site Ukraine
Rohith is Already Giving Back in Gratitude for His Sponsor
Education, Gift Catalog, India, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, Radiance of our Regions, SponsorshipLinda GurklisTamil Nadu Sponsor Site, India, Radiance of Our Regions
New Poultry Business is the Gift of Dignity in Zambia
Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Education, Gift Catalog, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Radiance of our Regions, Skills, ZambiaLinda GurklisZambia, Radiance of Our Regions
School Supplies Bring Big Smiles To 600 Students
Critical Need, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, Sponsorship, Ukraine, Disaster Fund, Education, Radiance of our RegionsLinda GurklisPochaiv Site Ukraine, Ukraine, Radiance of Our Regions
Radiance of Ukraine Cuisine--Pierogi
Sirilia Gives Her Family a Home
Critical Need, Education, Gift Catalog, Haiti, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Nutrition Fund, Our Impact, Radiance of our Regions, SponsorshipLinda GurklisHaiti North, Haiti
A Wave of Change in St. Dominique
Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Education, Gift Catalog, Haiti, Notes from the Field, Nutrition Fund, Our Impact, Sponsorship, Radiance of our RegionsLinda GurklisSt. Dominique, Radiance of Our Regions
Kindness Goes a Long Way in Haiti
Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Education, Gift Catalog, Haiti, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Nutrition Fund, SponsorshipLinda GurklisHaiti, Haiti North
Jamesly Knows No Limits
Adrianne Excelling After Health Setbacks
Critical Need, Education, Gift Catalog, Kenya, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Nutrition Fund, Our Impact, Radiance of our Regions, SponsorshipLinda GurklisNairobi site Kenya, Kenya