New Poultry Business is the Gift of Dignity in Zambia


Three Chalice family circles in our Kawambwa site in Zambia started an exciting new enterprise this year, thanks to each person who gave a gift through Chalice's gift catalogue. With the help of your donations, each group got the startup equipment they need to start their own poultry businesses.

"We intend to start keeping broilers (chickens raised for consumption), layers, and our local chickens," writes a mother on behalf of her group. The broilers mature quickly, so focusing on raising them first will lead to early revenues that they can re-invest in the other parts of the business. The layers are very lucrative because the eggs can fetch a good price in the market.

"We would like to extend our heartiest appreciation to Chalice staff and to the donors at large for making this service come true," she writes. The parents are grateful for the dignity of their own livelihoods and the opportunity to be providers for their children. They are also committed to each other within their circle and will support each other along this path of growth.

"Our lives will never be the same," she says. "May we always say you hold a special place in our hearts. God richly bless you all."

This year, a generous donor is matching donations made to the 'Small Business Setup' item in the catalogue, up to $100,000.