How Sponsorship Helped a Whole Family

Motivation, food, and education – just some of the gifts Chalice donors give when they sponsor a child or elder.  

Yet sponsorship does even more than that. If you pull back the curtain, you’ll see the blessings go beyond just one person, extending to entire families. Yuliya, a sponsored child near our Ternopil site in Ukraine, is the perfect example of how sponsorship makes a difference in the lives of many.  

Now five years old, her Chalice sponsor chose her when she was three. That ensured she and her five siblings had enough food to eat, clothing to wear, and school supplies to continue their education. 

Yuliya’s sponsor has certainly made a difference in her life, but the greatest gift given to the family has been, so far, what sponsorship has given her parents.  

Site staff often arrange for special speakers to give presentations. From a nutritionist, Yuliya’s mother Dariya learned how different foods affect the body, and how to stay healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This provided the basis for her own family’s good health during that time.  

Workshops on financial literacy and parenting also made a difference, but one workshop in particular led to a life-changing decision. 

The site put on personal development workshops led by a psychologist, who helped the attending parents build confidence and set goals for themselves. Dariya was so inspired, she enrolled in an agricultural college alongside her eldest daughter, Mariya, majoring in Agronomy. 

“Owing to the sponsorship program, [Dariya] has got a strong incentive to learn and develop to build their future,” site staff write. 

With their new knowledge, the family recently invested in a tractor with a trailer, plow, and cultivator. Not only can they cultivate a good harvest on their own property, but they can also provide the same service to others for income! 

Yuliya and her family “are very grateful to Chalice for making a difference in their life,” write the staff, “and bringing positive changes into their small world.” 

Want to make a difference in the life of an entire family?

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