Sponsorship is Music to Iryna’s Ears

Beautiful young Iryna was the first daughter born to her parents. They were already wrangling three sons by the time she came along, and it was, well, a lot. With a baby and three young boys, her mother Olha gave up her job as a music teacher to focus on being a full-time mom. Despite Iryna’s father working as a driver, the family struggled to make ends meet.  

On top of that, Iryna has a weak immune system and fell sick often as a child. That’s why the family was thrilled when Iryna and her brother Bohdan were chosen by Chalice sponsors. Iryna was only one-and-a-half years old at the time!  

Sponsorship has helped Olha provide for all her children, including another daughter who arrived in July 2020. Clothing, food, hygiene products, and other basics are taken care of. The children also participate in events and activities the Lviv sponsor site organizes for them.  

Now in grade two, Iryna is a renaissance girl. She has received her mother’s gift for music, and plays the bandura. She’s also a star soccer player, elected team captain three times already.  

Iryna and her family have great faith in God, and love to participate in their church alongside local Christian events.  

Iryna, Bohdan, Olha and all the family are “very grateful to the program and sponsors for many years of help and the opportunity to give their children a good education,” writes the Lviv site staff.  

“In their prayers, Iryna and her family always mention sponsors and ask for health and God’s blessing for them and their loved ones.”