Adrianne Excelling After Health Setbacks

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Adrianne grew up with her parents and two siblings in a small village on the shores of Lake Victoria. Her academic gifts shone from a young age, and she earned a spot in Starehe Girls' Centre in Nairobi. At Starehe, young women from humble backgrounds are given the opportunity to study towards a university education alongside those of more privileged means.

In 2017, Adrianne started feeling nauseated and couldn't keep anything down. Her doctors diagnosed severe gastritis and noted that her digestive system was vulnerable to ongoing acid damage and infections. She underwent surgery and the Starehe Girls' sponsor site arranged for her to see a specialist. But her hospitalization, medication, consultation fees, and even the transportation costs mounted quickly, and far exceeded her family's means. Thanks to kind-hearted Chalice supporters, the Starehe Girls' Centre covered all of her costs, as well as purchased an extra supply of food so that she could supplement her diet and boost her immune system.

Ever since then, her teachers made sure she had a robust diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. She likes to take walks for exercise.

Now healthy, active and ambitious, Adrianne is graduating from Starehe Girls' Centre! She wrote her final exams in April 2021. Despite the pressures of her final term and studying for her exams, this semester was Adrianne's best yet. Her health has not held her back one bit. She is still seeing a doctor for regular checkups, ensuring that her stomach is recovering well and not posing any problems.

"I really thank each and every individual who supported me," Adrianne writes in a heartfelt letter. "Even from the first encounter {Chalice staff] availed themselves to listen to me," she remembers, and they reassured her that "they will support me and walk with me".

"We sincerely appreciate your generosity and kindness that has brought Adrianne this far," writes Sr. Jane, site director of Starehe Girls' Centre. "May God bless you and shine your path with success always."