New Tech Opens the World for Evelina Critical Need, Gift Catalog, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Sponsorship, Through My Eyes, UkraineLinda GurklisNovember 5, 2024Ternopil Site UkraineComment
For Jacob, an Empty Plate Means a Full Future Critical Need, PhilippinesLinda GurklisOctober 8, 2024Samar Site Philippines
Tour the St. Dominique Girls House: Relief and Gratitude in Port-au-Prince Critical Need, Haiti, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, SponsorshipLinda GurklisSeptember 11, 2024Haiti, St Dominique
Chiclayo’s snacks and chats! Bolivia, Critical Need, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Nutrition FundLinda GurklisAugust 28, 2024Chiclayo site, Peru
Through My Eyes – This month’s featured artist: Hilary Critical Need, Education, Kenya, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, SponsorshipLinda GurklisAugust 7, 2024Mombasa, Kenya
Anastasia is on a roll! Critical Need, Education, Gift Catalog, Notes from the Field, Sponsorship, UkraineLinda GurklisAugust 7, 2024Pochaiv Site Ukraine, Ukraine
Mongam’s achieves his childhood dreams thanks to sponsorship Critical Need, Gift Catalog, Education, India, Notes from the FieldLinda GurklisAugust 6, 2024india
SAFE SUNNY FUN FOR ALL Critical Need, Living Our Faith, Our Impact, Notes from the Field, ZambiaLinda GurklisJuly 3, 2024Kawambwa site, Zambia
Rupali Began Dreaming Big Abundant Grace, Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Education, Gift Catalog, Living Our Faith, Our Impact, SponsorshipLinda GurklisJuly 1, 2024SponsorshipComment
Mbinga Pre-School finds the link between full stomachs and achievements Critical Need, Education, Gift Catalog, Nutrition Fund, Sponsorship, TanzaniaLinda GurklisJuly 1, 2024Mbinga Site, Tanzania
WHERE THERE’S A WILL, GO THEIR WAY: MEET PETER, CATHERINE, AND WILSON Abundant Grace, Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Education, Gift Catalog, grace, Living Our Faith, Our Impact, SponsorshipLinda GurklisMay 8, 2024planned giving
MOMS TURN THEIR NEW SKILLS INTO THEIR BREAD AND BUTTER Bolivia, Critical Need, Gift Catalog, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our ImpactLinda GurklisMay 8, 2024Canete site, Bolivia, Gift CatalogComment
Attention: Bright future ahead! Critical Need, Education, Gift Catalog, India, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, SponsorshipLinda GurklisApril 26, 2024Assam Site, IndiaComment
Delicious and Nutritious Kitchen Gardens Critical Need, Gift Catalog, Kenya, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Nutrition FundLinda GurklisApril 26, 2024Mombasa Site, KenyaComment
SHEA BUTTER SMOOTHING THE WAY TO SUCCESS IN NORTHERN GHANA Critical Need, Gift Catalog, Ghana, Notes from the Field, Our ImpactLinda GurklisApril 3, 2024Wa Site, Ghana
YOUSELINE WILL BE A LEADER WHEN HAITI REBUILDS Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Education, Haiti, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, SponsorshipLinda GurklisApril 3, 2024Haiti North
GOA SITE MARKS INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Critical Need, EducationLinda GurklisMarch 6, 2024India, GoaComment
FOURTEEN FAMILIES IN KENYA LOST EVERYTHING Critical Need, Haiti, Kenya, UkraineLinda GurklisFebruary 8, 2024Ukraine, Kenya, Haiti
NAIROBI CHILDREN RECEIVE NUTRITION BOOST WITH HELP FROM LEGACY GIVERS Critical Need, Education, Gift Catalog, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, KenyaLinda GurklisFebruary 7, 2024Nairobi site Kenya, Kenya