Wondrous Solar-Powered Well Brings New Life In Zambia
From Hopeful Student to Successful Nurse in Haiti
Abundant Grace, Critical Need, Education, Haiti, Gift Catalog, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, Skills, SponsorshipLinda GurklisHaiti North, Haiti
Happy Tears at Marites's House Blessing
Abundant Grace, Critical Need, Education, Gift Catalog, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Philippines, Our Impact, SponsorshipLinda GurklisSamar Sponsor Site Smar, Samar Site Philippines
One Family, Double the Entrepreneurs
Out of Great Loss, Priyanka Rises To Great Heights
Abundant Grace, Critical Need, Education, India, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, SponsorshipLinda GurklisMadurai, Tamil Nadu Sponsor Site, India
Teachers Can Stop Worrying About Wildlife and Focus on Teaching Students
How Sponsorship Completely Changed Eunice’s Life
Abundant Grace, Education, Critical Need, Kenya, Living Our Faith, Mission trip, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, Skills, SponsorshipLinda GurklisAbundantgrace, Kenya, Nairobi site Kenya
Why Critical Needs are Critically Important
Abundant Grace, Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Education, Gift Catalog, grace, Kenya, Living Our Faith, Our Impact, Skills, SponsorshipLinda GurklisMeru Sponsor Site, kenya, Meru, Kenya
Chalice Supporters Made One Family's Life Beautiful
Abundant Grace, Critical Need, Disaster Fund, India, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, Skills, Sponsorship, Education, GhanaLinda GurklisOrissa Site, India
Chalice Supporters Give Litenes His Radiance Back
Abundant Grace, Critical Need, Gift Catalog, Haiti, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, SponsorshipLinda GurklisHaiti South, Haiti South Site, Haiti
Maalifaa Makes Her Dreams Come True
A Helping Hand for Marco
An Update On Our Sites in Ukraine
Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Gift Catalog, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Nutrition Fund, Our Impact, Sponsorship, Ukraine, Abundant GraceLinda GurklisLviv Site, Ukraine, Ternopil Sponsor Site, Pochaiv Site, Covid19
Sending a card or “special money” to your sponsor child
Bolivia, Abundant Grace, Chile, Critical Need, Education, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, India, kenya, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Sponsorship, Tanzania, Ukraine, ZambiaLinda GurklisChristmas, Christmas Celebration, Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, Ghana, Haiti, Ukraine, Paraguay, Philippines, India
Lucia’s Good Luck at Last
Critical Need, Gift Catalog, Education, grace, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our Impact, Philippines, SponsorshipLinda GurklisSamar Site Philippines, Samar Sponsor Site, Philippines
Come journey with us this Lent
Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cameroon, Chile, Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Ghana, grace, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Kenya, Notes from the Field, Living Our Faith, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Prayers, Tanzania, Ukraine, ZambiaLinda GurklisGrace, Mission Trip
After-School program keeps children safe, supported, and succeeding
Bolivia, Critical Need, Gift Catalog, Education, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Nutrition Fund, Our Impact, Sponsorship, graceLinda GurklisCochabamba, Bolivia
School fundraiser builds lasting connection
Bastian's New Bed Has Him Jumping For Joy
Sponsorship is Music to Iryna’s Ears