An Update On Our Sites in Ukraine

As many of our supporters know, Ukraine is in the middle of a tense political conflict with Russia. Chalice serves three sites in Ukraine: Lviv, Ternopil, and Pochaiv. Sponsored children and their families are safe, and the needs of families have not changed. They’re still dealing with COVID-19 and an increased cost of living, putting them in need of money for food, heating materials, and basic necessities. We are deeply concerned about the ongoing conflict, and we know our supporters feel the same way. Unfortunately, we do not know what will happen until, and if, the situation escalates. We’re monitoring the news closely, and keeping in close contact with all three sites.  

Families and staff are leaning on faith during these troubling times, and are hoping the conflict can be resolved peacefully. The sites are committed to serving the needs of sponsored children, elders and families. 

How can you help?

First and foremost, prayer. Join us in praying that a diplomatic solution will prevail, and peace will reign in Ukraine. Pope Francis has proposed Wednesday, January 26th be a day of prayer for peace in Ukraine.  

If you’d like to help another way, we encourage donations of special money to your sponsored child/family. Special money is an extra donation outside of usual sponsorship payments.

We have a guide on exactly how to donate special money here on our blog.

If you don’t sponsor a child or elder in Ukraine, but still want to give, consider donating a grant to one of our sites in Ukraine.

For more information:

You can email us at, or call us at 1 855-444-5432, any time.  

As always, thank you for your care, concern, and prayers. Your support means the world to every child and elder you help.  

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