Wondrous Solar-Powered Well Brings New Life In Zambia

The Sisters of the Child Jesus, who run our Kawambwa sponsor site, knew too well the struggle their community faced when it came to accessing clean, safe water for drinking, cooking, and washing. So, with the help of generous Chalice supporters, they set out on an ambitious project to drill two borehole wells powered by solar pumps. The pumps will draw the water up into two 10,000 liter water tanks, supplying fresh water for the children at the school, as well as 779 community members in the surrounding village, church, and teachers' compound.

The project is now complete, and the community is blossoming around it.

"Indeed, what a blessing," writes Newman, a social worker at the Kawambwa site.

"The provision of this water at the site and to the community will change the lives of the children and the community at large."

"This has greatly provided safe and clean drinking water to the local people in the community," continues Sr. Agnes, site director.

The well has allowed a group of community members to start a gardening cooperative, where they can sell their produce at the market and earn an income for their families. Crucially, it also prevents women and children walking long distances in search of water.

"In addition, potable water will prevent the risk of water borne diseases as the people now have access to clean and safe water," Sr. Agnes explains.

"We really are thankful to Chalice for this wondrous generosity."