MOMS TURN THEIR NEW SKILLS INTO THEIR BREAD AND BUTTER Bolivia, Critical Need, Gift Catalog, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our ImpactLinda GurklisMay 8, 2024Canete site, Bolivia, Gift CatalogComment
JESUS SPOKE, JESÚS ANSWERED: A SPONSORED STUDENT ANSWERS HIS EUCHARISTIC CALL Abundant Grace, Education, grace, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Our ImpactLinda GurklisJune 7, 2023Peru, Canete site
SANTA ANA SOUP KITCHEN IN PERU FIGHTS MALNUTRITION Critical Need, Disaster Fund, Living Our Faith, Notes from the Field, Nutrition Fund, Our Impact, PeruLinda GurklisMarch 6, 2023Peru, Canete site, CaneteComment