Give the Gift of Dental Care this Christmas

For Christmas I’m sending you to the dentist! That’s not something you would typically hear in the United States, in fact, it might cause some kids to burst into tears. Yet, consider this, have you ever had a toothache or experienced the pain of untreated tooth decay? Have you ever been relieved, if not grateful, when the dentist makes the pain go away?
Many of the children and elders at our Sponsor Sites don’t have access to regular dental care. A visit to the dentist for one of the kids in Chalice’s Catholic child sponsorship programs or anyone who benefits from the programs at our Sponsor Sites is truly a gift! This gift of a Visit to a Dentist or Specialist, Item 301, in our Chalice Christmas Gift Catalog is something you can give this holiday season to someone in need from one of the Sponsor Sites at any of the 15 countries where we work.
It’s a gift you can give twice! Not only does a beneficiary of your kindness receive the gift of dental care, but you can give this gift in honor of a loved one or friend. Just access our Gift Catalog online, go to the Health category, click Give a Health Gift Now! Then scroll down and select Visit to a Dentist or Specialist. With your $25 donation online, you’ll be making a difference for two people this Christmas! You can download an e-card and let someone you care about know: A Gift of a Visit to a Dentist or Specialist has been given in your name. I’m thinking of giving one to my dentist.
Almost exactly one month ago, Chalice staff and volunteers were on a mission trip to Bolivia which included a dental team. Communication Specialist, Kate Mosher, wrote in her blog post: “The dentists were overrun with children who needed dental procedures – some needing as many as three teeth extracted!”
I wonder if I can convince my teen that this year's Christmas gift is wisdom teeth extraction.
— Beatrice Maynor, Web Content Editor, Chalice US