Okasana and Ihor’s family can now flourish

Growing like weeds and blooming like flowers. Okasana and Ihor, parents of four who live near Chalice’s Ternopil site in Ukraine, noticed their children growing out of their clothes incredibly fast. The children, two boys and two girls, range in age from six to fifteen. Oksana and Ihor’s biggest challenge will be familiar to any parent of teenagers. “They grow fast,” she says. “They need clothes and footwear most.” Fortunately, generous donations from Chalice donors gave a sense of relief to this family of six. 

The fees kept piling up. Okasana did her best to keep spirits high and her family in good cheer. She continued to pour into them. Helping them with homework and spending quality time with them. She knew one thing she could give them was love.  

With a new school year starting, Okasana and Ihor were not sure what they would do. Her husband, Ihor, is the family’s breadwinner as a security guard. Oksana is a Ukrainian language and music teacher but hasn’t been employed since the pandemic and the outbreak of war. “I love working with children,” she says, and hopes to find a new position soon. Ukrainians are going through most difficult times of trials,” says Oksana. “We live, work, study amid anxieties and thank God every day for the great gift of life!”  

It has been a difficult time the past few years. Thanks to the ongoing generosity towards Chalice’s Ukraine Regional Assistance fund, Oksana “could purchase embroidered shirts, sports pants and shoes for the boys before the new school year started.” “The beginning of school is always accompanied by a number of expenses for school supplies and books,” she says. “And since Solomiya is a first grader this year, we bought her a backpack, and a new one for Ivan.” Their eldest Mariya will start at a boarding school in the fall, and some of the funds have supported her dormitory fees, food, and transportation costs.  

Okasana and Ihor were relieved, this would help them in such an impactful way. It was one stressful thing taken off their plate and they were thrilled to finally hear some good news. Their children would have the necessary needs for school and everyday living. It gave them hope and happiness in a time of conflict in Ukraine. 

“We thank you sincerely, dear donor, for the very, very, important assistance to our family,” Oksana says. “May the Lord reward you a hundredfold and keeps you in good health and spirit. My children and I always thank for you in our prayer.” Now, their family can continue to flourish! You can still support more families through our Ukraine Regional Assistance fund.