Since she was little, Lourdes and her mom shared a bed, she would go to school and then help her grandmother sell her ‘chipa’ biscuits. Her mother, Marilyn, struggles financially as she earned a low wage by cleaning houses. Lourdes and Marilyn both dreamed of a brighter future.

Their lives changed when Lourdes was eight, and another ‘mother' entered her life: her Chalice sponsor, whom she calls her ‘godmother.’ “I began to know my godmother through the letters,” Lourdes writes, “and I became attached to her and her family.” “They are great people with a big heart and love.”

Sponsorship helped her finish high school and her “godmother” continue supporting her to study for her bachelor's degree in business administration. Lourdes now has a job and is going to finish university soon.

And Lourdes has just one thing to add: "You helped me buy my own bed,” she writes. "Although it seems so simple, that has marked my life.”

She extends her hearty thanks to her sponsor and Chalice for helping her to achieve her dreams in life.

Here are some ideas when you are writing a letter to your sponsored friend: https://chaliceus.org/stories/2023/5/3/writing-to-your-sponsored-friend