How sponsorship supports the whole family
Child sponsorship is not just designed to benefit a child in need; it benefits their entire family. Our approach is all about sustainability. With the right support, families can gain the tools and knowledge necessary to take steps towards a better future. The Bustamente family is an inspiring example of the lasting effects that sponsorship has on each member of a family!
Gladys and Reynaldo have five children, and live in the rural mountains of La Paz, Bolivia, a fair distance from the urban bustle of the city. Raising five children on Reynaldo’s income as a carpenter proved to be impossible. It was incredibly difficult for Gladys and Reynaldo to provide enough food for all of their children. This, in turn, affected the children’s ability to attend and succeed in school.
Seven years ago, their daughter, Carla, was accepted into our sponsorship program at our Guadalupe site, and was chosen by a sponsor shortly after! After sponsorship, things gradually started to turn around for the Bustamente family. The parents were able to provide more, healthier food for their children, giving them more energy. The properly nourished siblings started performing better at school, too!
Gladys and her son, Maurice
As a part of the sponsorship program, parents are required to join a Circle Group, comprised of other parents and guardians of sponsored children, and facilitated by a Chalice field workers. Gladys loves being a part of her Circle Group! The group meets monthly to discuss budgeting of sponsorship funds, small business ideas, and other ventures. Many parents find the solidarity from fellow parents to be encouraging and reassuring.
Carla’s grades were good enough upon graduating high school that she was accepted into university to study business technology. She was also accepted into our Hope for My Future program, an initiative that helps cover the cost of student housing and meals. Even though Carla’s older brother Maurice wasn’t sponsored, he was able to afford to go university to study nursing thanks to all of the support his family received from Carla’s sponsor!
Carla has since retired from our sponsorship program, but her three younger sisters now receive support. Just like their older brother and sister, their futures are now brimming with incredible possibilities. Patricia is interested in studying business, Victoria wants to be a police officer, and Maria Fernanda will settle for nothing less than becoming an astronaut!
Sponsorship has brought security and joy to the Bustamente family, and has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for each member of the family. Maurice and Carla will soon be able to start their careers, and will be able to give back to their family and community. Years later, Patricia, Victoria, and Maria will do the same!