Dancing, Gifts, and Prayer Brings Joy to Children in Bolivia


At our sponsor sites in Bolivia, the Christmas season is an incredibly special and anticipated time of the year. In 2019, families and children at our Leventate Mujer site warmly celebrated the birth of Jesus with a joyous community gathering, thanks to the kind supporters who donated to our Christmas Catalog!

The planning for this long-awaited event began well in advance. Chalice family circles, comprised of parents of sponsored children, eagerly helped arrange music, gifts, and food for the party. They were especially keen to share recipes for custom chocolates and traditional fritters! One group was in charge of rehearsing traditional Christmas carols and arranging a dance for the children to learn. Each and every participant put so much effort into preparing for this jubilant event.

When the day of the celebration finally arrived, the joy was reflected on every child’s face. Families shared cookies, pork cracklings, chocolates, popcorn, milk, and sweet Christmas bread amongst each other’s company. Then was time for the festive songs and dances! In one dance called a Chuquisaca, the children performed front of a nativity of the child Jesus as a gesture of devotion.


“This year was beautiful because we carried out the celebration in front of the school and we had plenty of space,” says Mrs. Cleofilia, a mother and family circle leader. “The weather was not in our favor as it was cold and rainy, but it didn’t matter, since our children were very happy.”

Near the end of the wonderful event, each child received a Christmas gift of their own. Young children received a toy, while older children and teens received a soft towel.

Mrs. Liz, a mother new to our sponsorship program, shares her appreciation for this time of special togetherness: “For a moment, we left our problems and we were happy together. Thanks to the sponsors that make all this possible. We are filled with gratitude to them, this party is also to unite with them, we know that they’re thinking of our children and we as a  family are thinking of them, and begging to God to bless them,”

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